Chem Class - Anonymous

This quote додав(ла) butterfly
The best part of my day was Chem class. So many great things happened there. It was so fun. I looked forward to seeing my best friend in that class everyday. I looked forward to hearing the class clowns try to get out of doing homework because they had sports after school. I looked forward to seeing the boy who made me laugh more than I thought I should. Chem class was family to me.

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Ім'я Слів за хвилину Точність
toinfinity 141.86 97.0%
user491757 138.14 97.2%
arrathore 130.02 98.0%
bmcgoo 127.03 99.2%
hmmmmm 126.06 96.3%
strikeemblem 122.21 97.5%
rivendellis 122.12 98.2%
feuv 121.93 96.3%
theprivateeye 120.52 97.0%
kenneth27 120.12 94.8%

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sungookee 87.02 92.5%
brad3856 78.90 96.0%
user110788 63.84 92.1%
typingsoldier 54.81 97.7%
theago 77.07 97.7%
user99861 50.26 95.5%
user109853 83.74 97.2%
user440868 76.15 95.3%