Remember When - Unknown

This quote додав(ла) grace0930
Remember when you used to put your arms in your shirt and told everyone you had no arms? You'd sleep with all of your stuffed animals so none of them got offended: You had that one pen with 6 different colors and you'd try to push all the buttons at once. You'd pour soda into the cap and pretend you were taking shots. And how you'd watch the raindrops on your car window and pretend they were having a race. Remember when we were kids and couldn't wait to grow up?

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або просто залиште коментар:

essdyn 11 місяців, 2 тижні тому
And remember racking up lines of sherbet and snorting them pretending it was coke? Good times
memgo 1 рік, 2 місяці тому
Dang man I didn't expect typing games to make me cry

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Найкращі результати для цієї typing test

Ім'я Слів за хвилину Точність
venerated 157.88 99.6%
user64764 144.98 98.1%
user871724 140.86 98.3%
hackertyper492 134.37 97.3%
theprivateeye 133.96 98.3%
user291759 133.86 96.7%
feuv 133.37 98.5%
ashtonidk 132.97 97.7%
user491757 132.15 97.7%
tang 132.06 99.4%

Останні для

Ім'я Слів за хвилину Точність
user108093 78.90 94.5%
user110364 98.00 91.0%
m_murasaki 100.54 97.3%
janetta64 60.24 99.6%
matrixx 85.14 94.6%
ntth 66.93 91.6%
fartmonkey679 115.48 95.5%
iltranscendent 114.85 98.5%