Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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Further, the random element in trial and error is not quite random, if it is carried out rationally, using error as a source of information. If every trial provides you with information about what does not work, you start zooming in on a solution - so every attempt becomes more valuable, more like an expense than an error. And of course you make discoveries along the way.

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Ім'я Слів за хвилину Точність
user871724 155.57 97.7%
hackertyper492 148.62 96.1%
venerated 147.38 98.9%
humeunculus 147.15 96.9%
user939249 145.32 97.4%
penguino_beano 141.22 97.4%
alliekarakosta 140.58 96.9%
keyherohero 138.05 95.9%
lirich90 136.61 99.5%
applesonlsd 135.07 97.9%

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user843630 91.23 94.2%
amritaramdeen99 41.44 92.1%
jatin_keshrwani5 42.14 86.4%
sylvestris 58.91 96.6%
ben.tomo.132 106.61 94.7%
zalyx 109.69 97.7%
matysek 73.99 98.7%
user99861 39.04 93.0%