Milton S. Hershey

This quote додав(ла) jomaedge
I didn't follow the policies of those already in the business. If I had, I would never have made a go of it. Instead, I started out with the determination to make a better nickel chocolate bar than any of my competitors made, and I did so.

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user871724 171.00 96.8%
practicebutt69 150.63 99.2%
forkhunter 150.28 99.2%
venerated 149.87 99.2%
typin_ 144.73 92.6%
user491757 139.29 99.2%
feuv 139.05 98.0%
alliekarakosta 138.34 98.4%
hackertyper492 135.53 91.6%
rivendellis 134.67 98.8%

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kefshinuser726005 59.37 93.4%
andrew2002 72.75 94.8%
chrisbrewer 107.12 95.2%
user843630 100.14 97.2%
user843630 103.77 96.8%
h1nn1h 66.59 93.0%
user80864 82.33 92.3%
wen 44.76 97.6%