MPC if you know you know

This quote додав(ла) user83052
People do not need to be divided about their difference. Everyone should feel open to their own opinion and be willing to talk to other people about it. For some reason the world has changed and now people hate each other just for thinking different. Hating for someone for their political or religious beliefs no matter how wrong you may think they are is no better than hating them for that of their skin color.

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feuv 148.26 99.5%
hiramisu 141.85 98.3%
ticalaking 108.98 95.6%
trishadgk 106.14 91.8%
rrapattoni 95.26 97.2%
pjmj 92.35 98.6%
user843630 92.22 94.3%
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user828068 86.01 90%

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rrapattoni 95.26 97.2%
cristalyn 25.29 96.3%
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user843630 92.22 94.3%
user109475 48.04 99.0%
trishadgk 106.14 91.8%
ninjar32 47.45 95.4%