This quote додав(ла) nikhilpatel_np
Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.

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або просто залиште коментар:

sabih.gh 3 роки, 2 місяці тому
"Eat ass, smoke grass, slide fast" some dude about to Kayak on an escalator.
winchester2 4 роки, 2 місяці тому
"I'm strong like superheroes, I won't die if I let venomous snakes bite me" - some six year old probably
beefybread 4 роки, 2 місяці тому
"I will not die as I jump off this cliff." - some five year old probably

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Ім'я Слів за хвилину Точність
adilzinoune 154.23 99.3%
magnificentlyposh 153.73 100%
69buttpractice 150.03 99.6%
user871724 148.99 97.2%
poop 148.10 95.5%
violet12333 146.65 98.2%
venerated 145.20 99.3%
alliekarakosta 144.45 99.3%
bunniexo 144.16 92.7%
am4sian 144.01 100%

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lings 49.22 94.6%
cebpakkk1997 66.16 95.5%
gguglielmii 56.83 97.2%
cewial 76.61 91.2%
lanasalvador 51.47 96.6%
mafuso 115.85 98.9%
patgdmd 80.34 97.6%
thecrazydane2 62.91 83.6%