Setting us up for failure. - Anonymous

This quote додав(ла) cptdoodad
I really hate quotes that tell me to stick through a quote even if it's hard, because most of the time those quotes feel like they purposely set me up for failure. They add words that you never ever see, and quotations in places that don't need them. They're just a hassle and really annoying to come across.

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user326538 3 роки, 5 місяців тому
Thank you Captain Obvious, everybody is going to follow your self-centered opinion now.
bcurty32 3 роки, 5 місяців тому
Yeah I agree. They say "hard things help you improve your typing". Well yeah, but I want to get better at typing so that I can more easily communicate through emails, text chats in games, or essays. If they are using words that fall outside the scope of those three things, I do not understand the point. I know that I am just one person and other people may have different reasons for typing, but that is mine. I will continue skipping quotes that use a million proper nouns or have stupid quotation makes every three words.
stephendumeyer 4 роки тому
^man's stays a Karen on like every quote^
But I liked the quote, very relatable. However, I thought it was a trap I was just waiting for that one weird word to come at the end, but it never came.
weesin 6 років, 2 місяці тому
Despite what you might think, people don't purposely set out to make you fail....the people on this site don't know you so we're certainly not out to get you. Rather, this is a site to improve typing skills and speeds. You will NEVER improve your skills or your speed if you shy away from the quotes that you find actuality, those are the quotes that you should type over and over again. If you try to find the easy way out, you will not improve. Stop cherry-picking the "easy" quotes.

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