The batt - Unknown

This quote додав(ла) user49606
Show me somebody who says the battlefield isn't that bad and I'll show you a liar. You get used to the explosions after the first few weeks, of course by then the larger portion of your hearing is already gone. The hard part is spending time with your battle buddies, knowing that some of you'll be taking a dirt nap. The only thing strong enough to penetrate the jumble of worries and aches that fill your head is the prospect of seeing your loved ones again. That and the bad end of a bullet.

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user871724 162.52 97.8%
user102908 110.75 97.6%
matrixx 95.67 95.9%
user830398 94.31 95.9%
user982408 89.09 96.5%
npabs 88.66 93.6%
youdontwantokno 86.93 97.4%
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somerandomppl 83.78 94.6%
the_hornburg 76.38 96.7%

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js88 72.87 98.4%
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youdontwantokno 86.93 97.4%
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shang88 84.13 97.1%
user102908 110.75 97.6% 37.71 94.5%
user982408 89.09 96.5%