What has ever been the motive of "The Press" President Washington was scourged, mocked, defamed daily in the press of his times. The virtue of the press in that day was that the motive of each publishler was obvious -- -the were boldy partisan. Reagan arose in an era when the press was "well-spoken", yet even more unbalanced and partisan, as continues and has become even more worse today. Yet in Reagan's time, and since the WWI-WWII era, the rise of the legions of imagination and Fake News, Hollywood, Disneyland, TV, radio, cable, of mass broadcasting, "The Press" had succeeded in the biggest lie ever: that they were non-partisan, that they were kind, that they were "Trusted". Never was it so. They have always been biased, always full of false gossip and slander, of twisted and utterly biased takes on actual events and the words of those reported on.