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Serhii Cho
my music is on almost every second of the day lol

Billie Eilish
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same …

least deranged keyhero user

It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!


owolord's sitater

Alle sitater

Marcus Aurelius - Dreams
Do not dream of what you do not have, rather reflect on what you do have, and on their account remind yourself how much they would have been missed and desired if they were not there.

Anonymous - Big Questions
Time runs away because it's time. Simple, isn't it? One blink and half of your life is gone. But when its time to ask the big questions, feel the big feelings, see the big world, time slows and walks with you.

Anonymous - Spiders
People say that you're always five feet away from a spider. Now that I think about it that is probably true. Spiders live everywhere, and there's probably one in your walls, under the couch or under a leaf. To escape that reality, I would launch myself into outer space strapped to a seat naked, but then I'd start questioning if there's a handful of webs and spiders crawling around in my non-existent brain.

Anonymous - love?
For a long time I've been wondering about love. I really don't know what it was when I see a cute girl's face in class or when I just adore their personality and their way of doing things, but ever since grade six, I've thought way too much about this. Love seems so different to studying subjects and playing video games, and I don't know what to do when you're lonely and want a hug from someone who actually likes you. I'm lonely.

Anonymous - Fondest Memories
Its been several years, and now I am in high school. I don't really remember much from primary except that it was the happiest times of my life, and I can call a memory so. Nothing is better than sitting on a bus with all of your friends that you've bonded with the entire year going on a trip to the mountains with Hall of Fame playing on the bus's speakers. Nostalgia fills me when I look at the sunset with friends on every side talking and enjoying themselves. Its one of my fondest memories.

Anonymous - Power
Power is power, but what is power? Strength or a title? Being born strong doesn't make you strong, it's the dedication and work you put into making yourself strong that counts. Nobody cares about your Rolex.