

Trend over 877 games.
Rangering 17171 / 334742
Antall spill 877
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Hastighet gjennom tidene 73.00
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Hastigheten er uttrykt i WPM (Ord per minutt).
Nøyaktigheten indikerer hvor presis du er under skrivetesten. 100% betyr 0 feil.


hiramisu 1 uke siden
Hey, congrats on the 100 wpm! That's a really impressive milestone! Here's to more 100 wpms to come ^^
slow 1 uke, 1 dag siden
omg, I finally got my first 100+ wpm on here... I'm shocked lol. it is a short quote after all though... "" is this one.

hmm wow...
slow 3 uker, 2 dager siden
oh no, I just realized that I've misspelled "advanture" instead of "adventure" lol.
slow 3 uker, 2 dager siden
seems like I'll be stuck on 70-80 wpm for a while... :P
but, if I manage to increase up to 100 wpm on avg, I'll be so happy! :3 (this is also my new year's resolution, to reach atleast 100 wpm..)

but, 70 wpm is still pretty good either way.

anyway, that was a quick review of my typing advanture.
hiramisu 3 uker, 5 dager siden
Wow, look at you go! That's an absolutely insane improvement! I would have never thought that it would be possible to go from 20 to 80 wpm within a month! It probably took me at least 2 years to do the same thing while I was learning touch typing oof~ Who knows, I'm sure one day you'll be able to surpass my typing speed! :P

I did think I set myself a goal around a year ago that I wanna eventually reach an average of 150 wpm. However, I don't think I'll be able to reach that anytime soon, as I've barely seen any improvement over the past 2 - 3 years qwq. I think I'll stop trying to shoot for the stars, and instead just type without having too much expectations. Typing is supposed to be fun, not frustrating!

You got this! Keep working on that consistency and accuracy, and I believe you'll be able to get that 100 wpm in no time! ^^
hiramisu 1 måned, 1 uke siden
Hey, thanks a lot! This is going to be my last message for a while, since I'm going on break tomorrow and won't be back until 2025. Thanks for encouraging me, it really means a lot <3

My accuracy fluctuates a lot, on a good day it hovers around 97-98%, however on other days it can drop to only around 90%. I'll definitely need to work on my consistency for the time being.

But yay! No more exams! No more calculus and chemistry for the next two weeks!

Have a lovely Christmas to you too :3
hiramisu 1 måned, 1 uke siden
Ayyyy, that's an amazing improvement, especially for just a few days of practice! Remember that progress is not linear, so don't beat yourself up if you feel like you're not making any progress. It'll be a lot more satisfying when you do eventually break that barrier!

You got this mate! :3
slow 1 måned, 2 uker siden
I'm really happy with the current state with how I type Graphite now!

I'm thankful :D
I do however need to improve my accuracy, including consistency...

Like, before I typed around 20~ wpm, and now 30-40 wpm!
Then again, it was around a few days ago of actually learning,
but either way, I'm happy, and I'm gonna continue.

it may seem low for now, but each progress, is a progress :3

Thank you, hiramisu! for wishing me luck, and encouraging me
to continue typing! <3 That's really kind!!
hiramisu 1 måned, 2 uker siden
No worries, you're good! But I do wish that keyhero has a better messaging system, since I'm not too sure if I should just reply under my own profile or under yours when I message back.

Good luck with Graphite! Keep focusing on your accuracy and your speed will improve before you know it! It'll be quite the challenge, but I believe you'll be able to get 100 wpm! You got this :3

Happy very early Christmas once again to you too <3
hiramisu 1 måned, 3 uker siden
Yeah, I feel like trying to avoid long/difficult quotes does more harm than good, because ultimately, when you're typing on your computer, you probably will type more than just a simple sentence or two. A lot of the times you have to write entire emails, essays, reports etc., and since I'm a university student, I feel like typing long quotes help build my momentum and allow me to not get tired out whenever I have to type long paragraphs.

I'm really looking forward to winter break! All my classes have been absolutely crushing me and I got my first final exam in two days x.x

Okay that's all for now, peace out :3

Nylige skrivetester

Vladimir Lenin 82.16 97.5% 7 timer, 28 minutter siden
John Steinbeck 85.18 98.0% 13 timer, 44 minutter siden
Steven Brill 84.75 96.3% 13 timer, 46 minutter siden
Steven Brill 83.58 97.0% 13 timer, 48 minutter siden
Frank Wilhoit 84.69 98.5% 13 timer, 49 minutter siden
Lance Frazier 80.39 98.2% 13 timer, 50 minutter siden
Jeremiah S. 83.11 99.0% 13 timer, 51 minutter siden
Anonymous 95.24 98.8% 13 timer, 53 minutter siden
Memet 94.97 99.8% 13 timer, 54 minutter siden
Alfred Adler 83.44 96.7% 13 timer, 55 minutter siden
too silly, (and clumsy), to type. lol

Anyways, if you're reading this,
"Have a good day" and
"wishing you great typing sessions in the future!!!", simple positivity,
is always nice and kind :D

or, I'm just a bit naive I guess. haha

On the desktop, I use:
* Aqirys Adara Mini - "a mechanical kbd"

Other typing socials:

For offline typing, I use:
typioca, ttyper, and smassh. I mostly use typioca (and ttyper too). but other options are great either way! :3

If you notice a drop in the graph, it's probably because I either, "switched to a different kbd layout", or "changed the language English, to Romanian" — (right now, I'm always on Graphite... 20 wpm to — above, all the tests done there.)

for the experience so far, I do like Graphite. it really does feel the improvements that it comes with, while QWERTY is just way more unoptimized* (kinda depends though... maybe?). I can type my first name faster than QWERTY :P. so, that's really cool, and so I'll continue to improve my Graphite skills. :D

so my story with Graphite:
I did first try Graphite around a year ago almost, but I never continued after a month or two. and while I got faster... it was only around a couple of letters that I was able to type fast, and when I made keybr to make the letters to appear more—I got way slower at typing, and I was somewhat discouraged.
got around maybe... 50-60 WPM from a couple of unlocked letters, to 20 WPM that had a lot more letters. So I continued to use QWERTY that I was used to (around 80-90 WPM).

but recently (around early-ish December 2024), I thought to myself that... "why not try Graphite a bit, and see if I like it". so of course, I typed slow at 18 wpm lol—and then it quickly gathered up way higher performance than I thought I was able to. which was kinda amazing to think about that :P
and sure, I didn't start Graphite from scratch, but it was amazing to look at a higher speed—and a somewhat consistent accuracy. :3

hmm, did I write an essay about this whole thing? :P
Siste pålogging 7 timer, 32 minutter siden
Dato ble med 1 måned, 3 uker siden
Tastatur / Bærbar datamaskin WASDkeyboard
Tastaturoppsett Other
Datamaskinbruk Too many timer / dag
Sitater 0



