
Meldinger Sitater bidratt med

Trend over 112 games.
Rangering 105577 / 334447
Antall spill 112
Beste spill 61.97
Nylig hastighet
gjennomsnitt av de siste spillene
Gammel hastighet
gjennomsnitt av de første spillene
Hastighet gjennom tidene 51.80
Nylig nøyaktighet
gjennomsnitt av de siste spillene
Gammel nøyaktighet
gjennomsnitt av de første spillene
Hastigheten er uttrykt i WPM (Ord per minutt).
Nøyaktigheten indikerer hvor presis du er under skrivetesten. 100% betyr 0 feil.


apriori 12 år, 7 måneder siden
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... relax your wrists as much as possible with them in their ideal position having their natural curve from the forearm to the wrist. Another step is to consciously remind myself to focus/place the most pressure--on the two longest fingers (i.e. the middle and ring) and allow the shorter fingers to come to a rest on the corresponding/remaining home row keys. I consciously remind myself to do this until it becomes second nature when I get into the right rhythm. Now I'm not super fast or anything, but with this technique I have gained some speed where I thought there, for me, was no more to be had. It allowed me to primarily jump from 32/35wpm to around 56 currently. I'm happy with this, to me it is a huge gain and leaves the door open for greater speed gain.
apriori 12 år, 7 måneder siden
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... wonder, "What's the dealio?" because usually it is my wrists that hurt. Isn't it that way with everyone? Carpel tunnel anyone?
apriori 12 år, 7 måneder siden
My tip to improve your typing speed is to...occasionally look at the real time display of the letters you are typing and then glance back at the word you are to be typing. This kind of error checking has really improved my speed and over-all accuracy. I did not think I could improve upon my slow speed of 45wpm, but it has happened, Glory to G-d.
apriori 12 år, 7 måneder siden
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I...smash the keyboard into the monitor and fry that sucka to heck! That'll teach the frriggin' overgrown calculator!
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Nylige skrivetester

Freeman 52.42 99.2% 12 år, 1 måned siden
Betty Mahmoody 52.18 99.7% 12 år, 1 måned siden
E.E Cummings 54.99 99.7% 12 år, 1 måned siden
Tony Ash 52.96 99.1% 12 år, 1 måned siden
Patrick McManus 57.04 100% 12 år, 1 måned siden
Mark Kermode 52.83 98.7% 12 år, 6 måneder siden
Vincent Van Gogh 52.60 99.5% 12 år, 6 måneder siden
kjjjjjjj 53.50 99.2% 12 år, 6 måneder siden
John Wesley 53.37 98.3% 12 år, 6 måneder siden
Fortune Cookie 56.96 98.9% 12 år, 7 måneder siden
Siste pålogging 12 år, 1 måned siden
Dato ble med 12 år, 7 måneder siden
Tastatur / Bærbar datamaskin N/A
Tastaturoppsett N/A
Datamaskinbruk N/A
Sitater 2



