10vingers Marc


Trend over 503 games.
Rangering 65669 / 334436
Antall spill 503
Beste spill 74.45
Nylig hastighet
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Gammel hastighet
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Hastighet gjennom tidene 57.99
Nylig nøyaktighet
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Gammel nøyaktighet
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Hastigheten er uttrykt i WPM (Ord per minutt).
Nøyaktigheten indikerer hvor presis du er under skrivetesten. 100% betyr 0 feil.


sabih.gh 3 år, 5 måneder siden
Good luck.
sabih.gh 3 år, 5 måneder siden
Hi there I can see a great progress going on. Average of 60 wpm is really good but in case you want something faster I'll share a few tips that helped me with typing.
Firstly if you are still not fully confident with blind typing I'd say get confident with it first. Also try writing a few quotes that contain really easy quotes that use both hands effectively and practice on that quote until you get great muscle memory and hit high speeds. Meanwhile you can still practice other tests too and make a note of the quotes on this website that are the easiest to type and practice on a variety of easy quotes. You're also spot on with accuracy. It actually took me 1 year to get to 150+WPM from 60WPM so anyone else can too.
There are other websites like 10fastfingers or monkey type that provide easy words to type but I'd say this website is the most effective way of improving speed.
10vingers 3 år, 10 måneder siden
What really helped me improve my typing speed is... Practising daily for 5 minutes or so. And focus on accuracy instead of speed.
user85577 3 år, 12 måneder siden
Hello vallenatoman
vallenatoman 3 år, 12 måneder siden
Oh man... only 0.55 away of your goal. Keep striving!
10vingers 5 år, 2 måneder siden
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... focus on accurassy!
10vingers 5 år, 3 måneder siden
My fingers still hurt after too much time on the keyboard. I should practice more and more to gain my goals. It shouldn't be hard only takes a lot of time and dedication to reach my goals. When I reach my goals I will be rewarding myself with a genuine good and expensive keyboard.
10vingers 5 år, 4 måneder siden
Started touch typing in April 2019. My scores seem to hang a little bit after the first half year. Still far away from my goal of easialy typing text with 75 words per minute.
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Nylige skrivetester

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Eiichiro Oda 62.09 97.5% 3 år, 10 måneder siden
I started to learn touch typing in April 2019 after 35 years typing with 3 and a half fingers. In the old way I typed around 45 WPM.

I started typing on a Ajazz AK33 with blue switches. Since september 17, 2019 I type on a Magicforce 82 with Gateron Green switches that are a bit to heavy for me I guess.
Siste pålogging 3 år, 8 måneder siden
Dato ble med 5 år, 4 måneder siden
Tastatur / Bærbar datamaskin Generic
Tastaturoppsett QWERTY
Datamaskinbruk Too many timer / dag
Sitater 0



