
This quote ble lagt til av shaktimaan
You are what people see when they arrive here. Yours are the eyes they look into when they're frightened and lonely. Yours are the voices people hear when they ride the elevators and when they try to sleep and when they try to forget their problems. You are what they hear on their way to appointments that could affect their destinies and what they hear after they leave those appointments. Yours are the comments people hear when you think they can't.

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missarkansas 141.95 97.6%
chris_allan_qwerty 138.57 100%
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mich415 133.70 99.8%
kwixle 133.06 96.4%
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leyendecker 131.56 99.1%
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dr_aegon 99.17 97.8%
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user659939 51.07 97.6%