Adrian Beltran

This quote ble lagt til av abrahamjoke
America's people do not even take the time to speak to their representatives, and yet it is a surprise to them whenever things are not done the way they wish them to be done. Is a governing body a democracy if the majority of the people do not participate?

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magellan 7 år, 4 måneder siden
Hell, these days people are getting arrested for asking uncomfortable questions of their representatives at town hall meetings (Sen. Pat Toomey's town hall, Simon Radecki arrested).
bypassfilter 9 år, 5 måneder siden
Hasty generalization
teilo 10 år, 11 måneder siden
Many of us have, and have been bullied and belittled into silence, lied to, patronized, or played for fools repeatedly.

There are no political solutions to moral and philosophical problems. It's time to stop pretending that ones's vote matters. If you want change, then change hearts. Do it where it matters most: in the people surrounding you, your families, neighbors, community.

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