"Ratings" - fb/abdullahking5464

This quote ble lagt til av abdullah-king
Rating doesn't affect how "good" or "bad" your quote is. All quotes have their own meanings, and all are good for the writer but not for some viewers. People who can understand these quotes are lucky but the people who cannot understand that, they just rate the quotes negatively without thinking about what they mean. So don't worry about the people who may like it or may not. You just carry on writing your feelings in quotes.

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2.3 out of 5 based on 14 ratings.

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vmlm 10 år, 4 måneder siden
So bad.
teilo 10 år, 11 måneder siden
I want a meaningful quote from history, literature, or the culture. I don't want a random person's feelings. And I definitely don't want someone preaching to me about writing quotes.
abdullah-king 11 år siden
No Problem sir :) Thanks.
malevolarky 11 år siden
I have tried to clean it up a bit for you. Apologies for the previous comment; I was in a bad mood and not thinking when I wrote it.
malevolarky 11 år siden
I have tried to clean it up a bit for you. Apologies for the previous comment; I was in a bad mood and not thinking when I wrote it.
abdullah-king 11 år siden
I think my mistakes are only in grammer not in spellings right sir?
abdullah-king 11 år siden
Yah i dont know englsh well mr.malevolarky
malevolarky 11 år siden
Well, spelling and composition are important. This quote is lacking in both departments, so I would say it is "bad".

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