Summer Love - One Direction

This quote ble lagt til av nadhrahnadzirun
Wish that we could be alone now If we could find some place to hide Make the last time just like the first time Push a button and rewind Don't say the word that's on your lips Don't look at me that way Just promise you'll remember When the sky is grey.

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bobo 11 år, 2 måneder siden
Wish that we could be alone now if we could find some place to hide Make the last time just like the first time Push a button and rewind Don't say the word that's on your lips Don't look at me that way Just promise you'll remember When the sky is grey,

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kensmom825 111.39 96.6%
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presto1 107.62 98.1%
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blunzengroestel 91.76 94.0%
unstruct 88.65 86.7%
bhojo31 88.51 92.4%
user843630 87.95 96.6%

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simi_ 100.72 98.8%
5unfl0w3r5 62.62 87.8%
user843630 78.57 92%
user102525 86.55 96.6%