Theodore Roosevelt

This quote ble lagt til av sddejournett
In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
missarkansas 156.00 99.4%
feuv 150.97 96.8%
chrisjunlee 148.94 100%
ilovejujubee 148.17 100%
nightdevil 148.11 95.6%
idekanymore7 148.04 96.8%
vmlm 147.67 99.4%
2001or2 146.38 95.0%
drtampa 145.55 100%

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dante-didit 138.79 97.5%
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adriana-b 73.62 95.0%
jpurvis00 89.08 96.8%
oowwaauu 67.15 98.1%
martha2007 64.59 97.5%