The Gains Train - Scotty Cramer

This quote ble lagt til av blackmanruns
The gains train is a mythical train that comes every day to young and old men and women around the world. To those who are dedicated to the beautiful art form known as weight lifting, making gains simply refers to working out, eating right, or doing anything that improves overall health and well-being. To those who push themselves every day to become slightly better than the day before, I salute you. Your courage and strength is becoming more and more rare in today's world of fat lazy people.

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user41557 11 år, 4 måneder siden
The gain train is a mythical train that comes every day to young and old men and women around the world. To those who are dedicated to the beautiful art form known as weight lifting, making gains simply refers to working out, eating right, or doing anything that improves overall health and well-being. To those who push themselves every day to become slightly better than the day before, I salute you. Your courage and strength is becoming more and more rare in today's world of fat lazy people.

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