Knowledge & Class - Resnick & Wolff

This quote ble lagt til av ceifero
Althusser rejects any essentialism within either dialectical or historical materialism. No one aspect or instance is the essence of any other. There is no subject of which the social totality is the predicate: no essence, no origin, and no telos. Rather, history is seen as the ceaseless interplay or mutual effectivity of aspects or instances. It is a process with­out a subject, theistic or otherwise. Althusser's notion of dialectical materi­alism rules out any essentialist concept of society.

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ceifero 1 måned, 2 uker siden
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ceifero 2 måneder siden
Dialog box won't allow me to finish typing.
ceifero 2 måneder siden
removed needless space in what should be a closed compound ("without")

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