Limited Spaces - Anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av madamebutterfly
There's a quote in here that states it won't count as an error if you add an extra space. Which technically is partially true, but in reality, it won't even count it. Go ahead and try it. You can't put more than one space between any two words, no matter how many times you press the spacebar.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user871724 166.78 98.0%
typin_ 156.45 94.5%
highhonedjazzyaudio 143.74 95.1%
dcb87 123.35 97.4%
jezpher 121.35 98.3%
kyle_w 113.62 98.3%
colincastle1234 112.92 97.3%
jppc 108.62 97.3%
ezka 105.75 96.4%
zalyx 103.42 96.4%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
jppc 108.62 97.3%
raintr33 73.91 98.0%
user105219 90.32 97.3%
highhonedjazzyaudio 143.74 95.1%
behemotheffluvium 66.14 92.1%
rosetta123 88.33 93.3%
rrapattoni 87.87 93.9%
dfreb 95.31 98.3%