Memories - De Es

This quote ble lagt til av chieftyper
You walked in and you were more beautiful than the images you shared online. I could not believe how attracted I was to you; a drug was shot straight into my blood, and I was already addicted. You sat down and the way your eyes lit up to the surprise of a plate of warm bacon on the table was enough for me to know how much I was going to fall in love with you. We conversed perfectly and played putt-putt afterwards. We shared an apartment together for a while, and those years were heaven. Yet...

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chieftyper 9 måneder, 2 uker siden
I did write it myself, from a real event in my life from a girl I dated for 5 years. She moved to Texas for a big job promotion and I was not able to leave my current state for many reasons. It was a sad, but peaceful break up.
arrathore 10 måneder, 2 uker siden
Where is this quote from? I can't find anything on Google, did you write it yourself? If so, it's very good.

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