practice speech - practice :0

This quote ble lagt til av kredroobrel
The last thing I leave you with is this - there are many who live life thinking they do not have a purpose, so they distract themselves with money, work, or even pretending to be someone they are not. Just like Santa, Jesus is telling you today that you are special. He knows each and every one of you like the back of His hand! He has a great plan and a future for you, which makes life meaningful. There is no need to pretend to be someone you are not. There is no need to get caught up in things t.

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strikeemblem 109.49 92.8%
npabs 105.18 95.8%
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kicko 101.30 93.8%
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npabs 105.18 95.8%
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donoshea 84.21 92.6%
user93811 92.61 95.2%