The Matrix Uploaded: Problem With Click - AlpacaHawk

This quote ble lagt til av face_the_music
You have a problem with click. You believe that you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. If you choose to click, find yourself another job. You believe that you are special. Obviously, you are mistaken. You believe that this company is one of the top software companies in the world. Obviously, you are mistaken.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
cornvelious 109.92 97.6%
npabs 104.40 94.9%
kicko 96.36 92.7%
rrapattoni 91.28 96.2%
user238034 90.25 99.1%
donoshea 88.69 92.0%
user982408 88.26 96.2%
user410714 87.14 97.1%
amman66 86.76 95.7%
alcachofa 86.66 96.5%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
donoshea 88.69 92.0%
npabs 104.40 94.9%
user238034 90.25 99.1%
kicko 96.36 92.7%
darling.19 65.38 95.1%
bp.kuma 71.93 98.2%
maadj 62.77 89.7%
user982408 88.26 96.2%