The Five and a Half Minute Hallway - House Of Leaves

This quote ble lagt til av user440278
While "The Five and a Half Minute Hallway" and "Exploration #4" have been respectively called a "teaser" and a "trailer," they are also, in their own right, peculiar cinematic moments. On a purely symbolic level, they afford a vast potential for examination: the compression of space, the power of imagination to decompress that space, the house as the trope for the unlimited and the unknowable etc., etc.

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localbisexual 2 år, 6 måneder siden
This was hard and fucked with my average but i approve of the difficult ones. i don't approve of whatever hacker decided to put 198.19 as their WPM for this quote when it's obviously a difficult quote that would be fun to see the actual statistics for

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
ibnadam 198.19 100%
ibnadam 198.19 100%
ibnadam 198.19 100%
ibnadam 198.19 100%
ibnadam 198.19 100%
ibnadam 198.19 100%
ibnadam 198.19 100%
ibnadam 198.19 100%
thorgott2 128.43 99.3%
takishan 103.81 91.9%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
eversonhua 43.78 93.5%
magesh 76.35 92.7%
user90997 65.71 87.2%
user421490 52.35 88.3%
amritaramdeen99 34.03 94.6%
user109902 35.41 94.0%
nezz 26.52 94.0%
user80864 81.30 95.8%