Fingernails - Matthew O.

This quote ble lagt til av chwezy
Ever wonder if fingernail length makes a difference in the way you type? I am not talking about super long nails, but like nails that are just a tad overgrown. Like maybe it makes your fingers more agile when they are cut so you type faster. Maybe longer fingernails increase accuracy. Someone should run a test on this.

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lenorite 2 år, 2 måneder siden
I let my nails grow a bit on purpose, I use it as a form of progressive overload. It's like a weighted vest that gradually gets heavier, and when the time comes I can remove it to reveal the improved muscle memory that is underlying.
mcmacladdie 2 år, 4 måneder siden
Funny I come across this quote... I always gauge when it's time to trim my fingernails by when they feel like they're starting to get in the way when I'm typing.
gianttoenail99 2 år, 4 måneder siden
When I've got long nails, I tend to use the pads of my fingers instead of the tips and and I tend to slide my pads across the board to reach keys. To contrast when my nails are cut I use my fingertips and lift each finger to reach a different key. I'm a faster with long nails when the keys I need are clustered together, but slower when I need to use keys scattered across the board and vice versa for clipped nails.
gianttoenail99 2 år, 4 måneder siden
When I've got long nails, I tend to use the pads of my fingers instead of the tips and and I tend to slide my pads across the board to reach keys. To contrast when my nails are cut I use my fingertips and lift each finger to reach a different key. I'm a faster with long nails when the keys I need are clustered together, but slower when I need to use keys scattered across the board and vice versa for clipped nails.
018246 2 år, 6 måneder siden
I've tested it a little bit. I have noticed that I miss-click a whole lot more when I have longer fingernails. In my experience you lose a bit of the feel of the keyboard and it's harder to find keys sometimes when the tips of your fingers don't have as much contact with the keyboard.

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