Lifeless Library - Gilbert Gollyweed

This quote ble lagt til av jasmine004
If there were a fire bustling around the city and it could only choose one building to burn down, the lives it would kill most would be the library. There's no crowd of people in there, but there are books. Shelves of them. Rows of people who poured their thoughts and feelings in pages. Those are the lives that would be murdered. The people who spent a lifetime writing other lives plus their own.

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essdyn 9 måneder, 3 uker siden
Yeah that would really suck if they never made more copies of books
bunholey 1 år, 1 måned siden
There are thousands of copies of books, if not millions. You can't make copies of people.
user89332 1 år, 7 måneder siden
nah there are other copies
kiriiya 3 år, 1 måned siden
Awww that's sweet.

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