Just another typing tip -- the "how" of the second order - keyzero

This quote ble lagt til av user958697
If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. That's a quote from Back to the Future. Same with typing: if you want to improve your typing, you must put your mind to it. But how? The answer is that you must put your mind to it "as if your life depends on it." Suppose that if your mind drifts away, you will die.

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hunterz1200 146.81 95.0%
hackertyper492 134.33 91.7%
2001or2 121.69 92.0%
sandblast5953 111.85 99.7%
wrench1 108.04 97.3%
localbisexual 105.50 90.5%
memgo 101.87 94.4%
kicko 92.96 95%
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slaughtermelon 89.58 99.1%
user864199 60.29 97.0%
nightowl_1325 44.17 95.3%
user97523 82.58 93.9%
kicko 92.96 95%
typinglindsey 77.12 96.1%
hackertyper492 134.33 91.7%
astrid17 79.68 95.3%