Story and Song - The Adventure Zone - Griffin McElroy

This quote ble lagt til av slamuel
See, there's magic in a bard's song. They call it inspiration, and it tells the listener what they need to hear right when they need to hear it. And right now, you hear it too. The message in the music heard round the world. You hear Johann's voice, telling you "You're gonna have to fight. And... you're gonna win!"

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srm 144.18 97.2%
notmytempo 138.51 100%
willwin4sure 133.33 98.4%
adilzinoune 132.55 96.9%
user74975 129.48 99.4%
iltranscendent 129.46 99.4%
2001or2 128.66 95.2%
penguino_beano 127.69 94.9%
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ltfigs 125.55 98.8%

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godot 54.22 94.6%
slamuel 89.63 92.4%
slamuel 91.30 91.6%
clickclackm00 75.79 90.5%
user83344 100.90 98.8%
gamercat 50.18 94.9%
matthewpiring03 83.79 96.9%
dante-didit 111.75 96.9%