The journey to be good at typing - Hariramakrishnan

This quote ble lagt til av hari
Don't try to forcefully put yourself into the world of typing. Just make sure that typing is not all about speed. Just giving your best at one point of time and doing normal in all other typing test is not that good. Maintaining a consistent speed and with high accuracy matters more. Learn typing as a one of the things that will help you in doing better at important times in your life. Not as your whole life. Don't be pressured. Just learn and don't get tired. Good luck!

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user871724 161.23 96.2%
trishadgk 101.91 91.3%
user68438 101.16 94.2%
user949982 92.31 97.5%
m_murasaki 90.55 95.4%
kicko 89.66 93.0%
astrid17 86.99 96.2%
mgraham 78.98 93.0%
user949561 77.76 93.1%
jules831 72.86 93.7%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
nezz 31.14 94.3%
astrid17 86.99 96.2%
jules831 72.86 93.7%
trishadgk 101.91 91.3%
m_murasaki 90.55 95.4%
user871724 161.23 96.2%
user68438 101.16 94.2%
user949982 92.31 97.5%