Ender Pearls - Car's Corner

This quote ble lagt til av cars_corner_dvorak
How big are ender pearls? It's been on my mind. From the people I have asked, some seem to think they're the size of a baseball but others think they're the size of a marble. I can't find a clear picture in my head. This is a genuine question for all you typists out there.

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feuv 8 måneder, 2 uker siden
imo ender pearls are pretty big. They're supposed to be thrown, and I just don't think that a marble-sized ender pearl would be enough to teleport an entire person instantly, so I'm on team baseball. Very interesting question though!
kyraa708 9 måneder, 3 uker siden
I always thought of them as the size of eyeballs
user476953 1 år, 11 måneder siden
Honestly always pictured them to be as big as a shotput roughly 5-6 inches in diameter. We must get to the bottom of this.
localbisexual 2 år siden
i was going with baseballs, but someone below me said snowballs so i like that one too
ydydydyd 2 år, 6 måneder siden
Well, they are just about the same size as snowballs so I think that's a good baseline.
bcurty32 3 år, 3 måneder siden
IDK, it's not like there is anything to base it off of. Given the size of Steve, a chicken egg would be the size of an ostrich egg, so scaling doesn't mean much. I imagine they are the size of a sheep or cow eye (I only know their size because we directed them in class) just something that is a little smaller than a baseball, but still looks like it could belong inside of an enderman.
guy_dude_man 3 år, 6 måneder siden
I think they're the size of soft balls. About twice the dimensions of a baseball. Still relatively easy to throw, but still pretty large.
stormysky23 3 år, 8 måneder siden
I think it's safe to say they're like diamonds (they aren't a specific size) they can be big or small, tall or short
user89490 3 år, 8 måneder siden
is it really necessary to know thought?
typetester 4 år siden
I've always pictured them to look just like one of those fushigi balls

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