The Best Thing - Stephanie Lanai

This quote ble lagt til av karenfromfinanc
You know the most terrifying thing about growing up? The absolute freedom. You are the ruler of your own destiny. I understand now why we are so often instructed to enjoy childhood. I wish, however, that the lessons in gratitude were replaced with lessons on the power each individual holds. You are the ruler of your universe. The scariest part of adulthood is the best part. Reality is what you want it to be. Your life is what you want it to be. What you say goes. Embrace your power.

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slowtyper237 3 år, 7 måneder siden
The freedom to die without anyone caring is scary. Speaking of which, I want a pie.
user693431 3 år, 8 måneder siden
No one is truly free in this world.
weesin 4 år, 12 måneder siden
There is an error. You have typed 'the the'

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