Best inhumane - Anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av jv-rex11
Sometimes the best option is the most inhumane. Imagine one rail road and can switch one side to another and on one side is a group tied down and on the other is your most loved one. Which one is the best the option?

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weesin 5 år, 1 måned siden
Sloppily written. 'Imagine one rail road and can switch' does not make sense. Also, 'rail road' is incorrect - it's a compound word and should therefore be written as one word, not two. Also, 'Which one is the best the option?' doesnt make sense either

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strikeemblem 110.41 96.4%
titan15 86.73 88.2%
somerandomppl 98.03 99.5%
kittu12 53.25 91.9%