Speed Typing - Your Friendly Neighborhood Weeaboo

This quote ble lagt til av weebcancer
While typing I personally dislike the longer quotes that are submitted by the community. So I'm going to keep this short for you to cruise through. All I ask from you is to sit back after typing this and think of how weird it truly is that you are sitting here competitively typing.

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zalyx 3 måneder, 1 uke siden
The only person I'm competing with is myself
jacksonm 5 år, 8 måneder siden
@weesin is right but i went ahead and fixed your grammar too because whatever
weesin 5 år, 8 måneder siden
There are some punctuation issues with this quote. Also, I find the quote WAY too easy and quite boring

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Beste resultater for dette typing test

Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user871724 165.57 96.9%
feuv 149.76 98.6%
rivendellis 135.53 96.6%
geryjs 133.05 99.6%
dcb87 123.85 98.9%
soupqueen29 108.79 100%
dante-didit 108.38 95.6%
davidmansilla 107.22 96.9%
gwaldrop 101.25 94.6%
user830398 96.99 97.6%

Nylig for

Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
adriana-b 72.03 95.9%
gwaldrop 101.25 94.6%
user871724 165.57 96.9%
dante-didit 108.38 95.6%
maadj 78.42 94.9%
diamondrock 84.15 93.4%
tschrepel 77.85 94.6%
user90997 94.93 91.3%