
This quote ble lagt til av xalquema
Sometimes you have to sit in a class in college where absolutely nothing interests you. But that is okay. You should take a computer-oriented class so that in this case you can do other more important things on your computer while the instructor drones on about the same small detail of material without successfully teaching their students. That's the best part about being in a computer lab class.

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dcb87 122.63 98.3%
mr_snow 112.43 97.6%
kicko 111.13 97.3%
ezka 109.36 94.8%
tjapit 108.95 97.3%
trishadgk 108.53 92.6%
kensmom825 104.59 96.4%
serin01 101.33 93.9%
user206721 98.29 98.0%
montag 91.18 94.3%

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user105008 78.55 96.8%
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rubenpire7 85.14 95.2%
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ezka 109.36 94.8%
bigwhiteround1 51.95 95%
user832052 67.09 88.7%
omolon 62.62 95.7%