Grammar Lesson - The fraternal twins part 1 - Alaindelon

This quote ble lagt til av alaindelon
The colon can be your best friend. It is most commonly used to list items online (without the use of any special formatting). Additionally, the colon can be used when separating two INDEPENDENT clauses, meaning if you split the sentence at that point you would have two grammatically correct simple sentences. It should be noted that the colon has several other uses that should not be disregarded.

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localbisexual 2 år, 4 måneder siden
... the colon separates a list. a SEMIcolon separates two independent clauses; it works a bit like that. as for a colon: only one side has to be a complete sentence.
aunk05 3 år, 8 måneder siden
Surely it is the SEMIcolon that is used as a list item separator?
translucent 4 år, 10 måneder siden
Not once during this did he use it himself.

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