Ben Shapiro

This quote ble lagt til av user233673
Freedom of speech and thought matters, especially when it is speech and thought with which we disagree. The moment the majority decides to destroy people for engaging in thought it dislikes, thought crime becomes a reality.

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user89073 3 år, 8 måneder siden
Ironic coming from the guy who just helped get a journalist fired for things she said.
catrice 4 år siden
I don't think he does.
peaprotein 4 år siden
This fucking guy.
sillysad 4 år, 3 måneder siden
Even if you trust yourself to tell the difference between speech that falls under freedom of speech and that which is an exception to it, do you trust others to judge whether your words qualify?
mattman2255 4 år, 3 måneder siden
@Qweerty there is a difference, sure. And true hate is despicable, yes. But personally I think all speech should be protected. Yes even hate-speech, as long as it doesn't call for or threaten violence, or isn't slander etc. But people should be aloud to believe and say hateful stuff. Intelligent good-hearted people won't be fooled by it. And we can talk about it. Maybe if we do so, talk about this stuff and discuss it, we can find common ground and bring about change and understanding. Maybe.
qweerty 4 år, 3 måneder siden
There's a difference between thought crimes and spewing hateful stuff on the internet, ben

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