achievement - tyler88

This quote ble lagt til av tyler88
This is really easy to type i just wanted to make a quote for the medal. if i did not add this text i would not receive the medal, that is why this is here.

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bitbat 5 år, 8 måneder siden
You should capitalize words, my Slim Folio has auto correction on and punctuation.
weesin 5 år, 8 måneder siden
I'm not really sure why getting the medal was so important that you couldn't take the time to use proper punctuation or to capitalize words properly...

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feuv 132.25 94.0%
user78528 90.19 94.6%
jacqueline1234 81.36 88.7%
astrid17 79.24 94.5%
user453101 78.78 93.4%
bkbroiler 72.38 92.9%
darling.19 71.48 98.1%
blockstacker750 68.46 92.9%
user390874 56.63 93.4%
5unfl0w3r5 56.41 77.2%

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romeo217 44.14 88.1%
miarosita98 42.01 90.2%
nilu 32.25 95.1%
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user107622 38.08 80.5%
user453101 78.78 93.4%
tengugod 43.49 76.2%
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