
This quote ble lagt til av retralyze
It's like when you're driving home on a Tuesday and the road is calm. The sky is an enticing mixture of pink and yellowish orange tones and your favorite song comes on the radio. And for a moment you just feel completely sound. You just feel like you know things are going to be okay, and that life is surely beautiful.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
highhonedjazzyaudio 157.58 94.9%
cspenguino 146.64 98.2%
hackertyper492 145.58 98.5%
zhengfeilong 137.86 98.2%
infinitephanta 135.95 96.7%
cilantro 134.84 98.2%
user291759 133.37 99.4%
jpeach 133.33 97.0%
srm 132.73 97.9%
practicebutt69 130.97 98.5%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
shyhamhalder 89.46 93.5%
machinist80 58.72 88.4%
kicko 100.12 95.2%
mockingbird561 44.92 95.2%
hoyongryou 106.60 94.7%
ashlearm 63.98 97.6%
renebaebae 45.82 90.9%
swatkhan 56.65 92.5%