Nalo Hopkinson

This quote ble lagt til av liam3
It's the thing I struggle with every day: the mental diligence and stamina needed to sit in front of the computer, open the file, start writing and to keep doing so, word after word, until I've created the next story. A combination of learning disability and chronic health issues make that the hardest thing for me.

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wolfram 154.57 98.4%
jpadtyping 142.04 96.9%
aight 138.69 95.8%
peggyrwa 136.84 98.8%
stormspirit97 135.37 96.6%
user37933 135.12 95.2%
imstaken 134.81 97.2%
cosmicmagic 134.04 95.8%
practicebutt69 132.08 99.4%
zhengfeilong 130.82 96.3%

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colincastle1234 101.92 95.5%
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lexervoid 56.75 91.9%
john99876 36.45 97.0%
user95702 56.33 94.1%
user513723 74.98 93.5%
estinroy 59.34 96.0%