get it done - unknown

This quote ble lagt til av otacon29
Someone needs to go out there and get the job done. I don't care who does it, just go out there and get it done. I swear if I have to come out there and do it for you, you won't live to see your next birthday. Complete the task at hand so we can go home.

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cspenguino 158.27 99.6%
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ze_or 146.21 99.2%
ilovejujubee 144.80 100%
u557051 144.72 95.8%
sammich 143.48 99.2%
maitri3 142.76 100%
magnificentlyposh 141.60 100%
majochama 141.51 96.6%

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reemh 44.20 96.6%
kampo 62.95 94.8%
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user53052 68.16 91.7%
muxedotask 73.43 91.8%
snarkster 66.53 95.8%
user727363 37.41 91.4%