we are - jeannette rankin

This quote ble lagt til av chloe090106
We are half the people we should be half the congress. It is as impossible to win the war as an earthquake. You can take people as far as they will go not, as far as you want them to go.

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inw_typer 169.00 100%
inw_typer 169.00 90.6%
user871724 161.03 100%
strikeemblem 129.16 99.5%
jacqueline1234 112.65 96.4%
iltranscendent 111.07 95.4%
rivendellis 105.96 91.1%
ryno4117 105.92 97.9%
ozymandias037 105.10 96.9%
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ryno4117 105.92 97.9%
sskanan1988 19.89 97.4%
rrapattoni 89.53 92.1%
user110934 60.32 100%
user109145 48.13 85.3%
jacqueline1234 112.65 96.4%