CATS - Jessica Nite

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Some are mean with eyes of green, others are kind and enjoy spending time. They think they rule you and maybe they do. You feed them, you bathe them, and let them walk all over you, really you do. But they are cats and that is their way.

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shara123 4 år, 11 måneder siden
This Keyhero typing is so fun
skillsets 8 år, 2 måneder siden
Have you even tested this yet? It shows that is hasn't been played.
justin0 8 år, 2 måneder siden
skillsets: Looks good to me =)
skillsets 8 år, 2 måneder siden
Is this better? I feel like yes, but I will take your opinion.
justin0 8 år, 2 måneder siden
As far as I know poems and songs often lack the necessary punctuation to make them into the prose paragraphs. So you'd have to add the missing punctuation, for which you must be good at grammar (I am not an expert at it).

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
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mrv514 145.10 97.1%
playtime881 143.58 96.7%
mothertrucker 140.66 97.5%
techintosh12 140.17 100%
dcb87 135.69 99.2%
gordonlew 135.00 99.6%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
dcb87 135.69 99.2%
purplepettyprincess 63.27 90.2%
dcb87 123.57 99.6%
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