
This quote ble lagt til av laurenbenny2003
All your life, you are told the things you cannot do. All your life, they will say you're not good enough, or strong enough, or talented enough. They'll say you're the wrong height, or the wrong weight, or the wrong type to play this, or be this, or achieve this. They will tell you no a thousand times until all the noes become meaningless. All your life, they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. They will tell you no. And you will tell them yes.

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inw_typer 156.00 100%
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dante-didit 114.13 98.2%
space_cadet 109.30 95.1%
ccanb 106.66 99.8%
ben.tomo.132 102.38 95.6%
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cholloway526 99.52 97.8%

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user843630 94.88 96.7%
jgdude 101.69 93.5%
baluze 64.46 96.6%
dcb87 125.44 97.9%