You probably don't know what's best for yourself - Adrian Beltran

This quote ble lagt til av afbwelter
Given any single issue there is usually a multitude of nuanced stances one could take. Given any set number of opinions on an issue there is only ever one most correct opinion or answer. This means that by default most people usually don't know what is best for themselves. It is therefore very probable that you are very wrong about a lot of things.

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snarfbot 5 år, 4 måneder siden
What a crock of shit.
dvorakdan 8 år, 1 måned siden
Agree gonz, and to think there is one "best" opinion that would be the same for everyone is also completely irrational.
gonzalj8 8 år, 4 måneder siden
You can't have a "correct opinion". That would make it a fact.

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