An Irish Proverb - Unknown

This quote ble lagt til av themerchntofvenice
In life there re only 2 things to worry about: Either you're healthy or you're not. If you're healthy there's nothing to worry about. If you're not, there're only 2 things to worry about. Either you will get well or you won't. If you get well there's nothing to worry about. If you get sick and die there're only 2 things to worry about. Either you will go up or you will go down. If you go up there's nothing to worry about. If you go down you'll be too busy shaking hands with old friends to worry.

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weesin 6 år, 3 måneder siden
I think this is one of the worst quotes that I've seen on here. Why can't people who can't write realize they can't write? Rather than posting your own personal, poorly-written quotes, why not find a quote you like online and copy/paste it in? At least then you're posting a quote for others to type that doesn't sound like it was written by a child?
therobotclustr2 6 år, 3 måneder siden
"there re"... seriously? You couldn't have just put an apostrophe? Those buttons aren't even close to each other on the keyboard, so it seems deliberate to me.
user54842 7 år, 3 måneder siden
You cannot use numbers in text. You have to put it in word forum. So 2 is two.

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