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Curtis Baldwin
heh heh

A chick that works in a cubicle
Yeah, why don't you find a job you enjoy?? Like, what's stopping you from becoming …

Sure, but this works both ways. Same as you can have a terrible first half …

Dakota Allen
Something is preventing me from finishing this quote.



user69282's Zitate

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David McKenna - 'Blow' Final Monologue
So in the end, was it worth it? Jesus Christ. How irreparably changed my life has become. I'll grant you, I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by while they're busy making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there, and now there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing my ambition far exceeded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.