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John Berger
check grammar spaces and spelling please

hindi me kaise type kare nahi ho raha hai

William H. Rehnquist
How hasn't this bullshit been removed yet?

Thank you! I got my new highest speed on this one!


poeblob's Zitate

Alle Zitate

Creed Bratton - Creed on Motivation
Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, ten fingers, two nipples, a butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I have just described to you the Lochness Monster, and the reward for its capture... all the riches in Scotland.

George Carlin
The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."

Frank Underwood - House Of Cards
Power is a lot like real estate. It's all about location, location, location, and location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value.

Frank Underwood - House Of Cards
"What a martyr craves more than anything is a sword to fall on. So you sharpen the blade, hold it at just the right angle, and then 3,2,1..." - Frank Underwood.

Myself - Dreaming of Something
The thought of spending another dreary day on the inside brightens the soul. Enjoying the world from behind a screen is the way of the world and no one will be changing it soon. From behind the screen, I am protected. I am safe and I am secure. I am whoever I want to be, to whomever I choose to be with. Spending time with friends never met and enemies never seen.