Aktuelle Kommentare

Serhii Cho
my music is on almost every second of the day lol

Billie Eilish
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same …

least deranged keyhero user

It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!


ladyrockse's Zitate

Alle Zitate

Tite Kubo - Ichigo Kurosaki (BLEACH)
Big brothers... you know why they're born first? To protect the little ones that come after them! What kind of brother says that he'll kill his own sister? Even a monster shouldn't say that!

Tite Kubo - Ichigo Kurosaki (BLEACH)
I'm not superman, so I can't say anything big like I'll protect everyone on earth. I'm not a modest guy who will say it's enough if I can protect as many people as my two hands can handle either.

Lelouch vi Britannia - Code Geass
What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?

Johan Liebert - Monster
How weak the mind is when it wants to forget. Maybe you didn't forget. Maybe you're just lying. Is it a lie you tell to everyone around you, or perhaps a lie you tell to yourself?