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Serhii Cho
my music is on almost every second of the day lol

Billie Eilish
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same …

least deranged keyhero user

It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!


amanda859106's Zitate

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Amanda Marie - in the end
In the end we only regret the chances not taken. Die with memories, not dreams. The stars can't shine without darkness; it always rains before the rainbow.

Amanda Marie - life is short
Sometimes in life we do not realize what we have until we no longer have it. Many times we don't understand the value of someone until we have only an empty chair. Life is too short to leave words unsaid.

Amanda - Best Quotes
My momma always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get! Those must be comfortable shoes, I wish I had shoes like that. Momma said those are my magic shoes. I was running! He was a mean Dog, Lt. Dan you get new legs! Run Forrest Run!! Jenny I love you! What's the matter you got cough due to cold? You can sit here if you want to. Me and Jenny was like peas and carrots! She taught me to dangle.

Amanda - Life
We aren't promised tomorrow, our past is in the past, all we have is right now, we have no time for regrets so don't dwell in the past, don't get lost in the worries of tomorrow for it is not guaranteed. Live for the moment, dance like no one is watching you, sing as if you're alone, love with all your heart, and never ever let anyone or anything dull your sparkle!

Amanda - Angelina
All my dreams came true the day you were born. When I held you for the first time, instantly I knew I was holding my whole world. The love I have for you is everlasting. No matter how much you grow, you will always be my baby. You are my everything my sweet little Angel. Angelina, I Love you always and forever to the moon and back!